Our aim is to ensure the contributions of our employees, to secure their jobs and to ensure continuous development while making production, that complies with occupational safety rules, respects the environment, is of high quality, and meets the expectations of our customers and standards, efficiently and in accordance with our commitments.
Quality, which means meeting customer-oriented and process-oriented needs in full and on time, with environmental awareness, at a safe and reliable level in all our products and services, is a necessary condition for achieving our goals.
The good functioning of management systems, the adoption of a quality understanding, the participation, satisfaction and efforts of all employees, the quality of the work we do at the first time, the planned use of resources and compliance with the rules of occupational safety are our common goals.
To achieve this aim;
• We undertake to comply with all legal regulations related to management systems,
• That all of our employees will comply with all relevant legal regulations and the commitments of this policy for the health and safety of themselves and their colleagues, as well as the society and the environment,
• That employees and/or employee representatives will participate in the implementation of management systems,
• To set goals and objectives for management systems, to review them periodically, to provide the necessary resources for them and to operate the management systems in accordance with these goals and objectives,
• To take into account the factors of efficiency, energy performance, environmental impacts and safe working at the stages of product design and material/service procurement, and to support design activities that take into account improvements in these areas,
• To try to reach more perfection by adopting the philosophy of "continuous improvement" in the performance of management systems,
• To develop methods related to the prevention of occupational accidents and environmental pollution, environmental protection, efficient use/consumption of energy and natural resources, waste reduction and recovery,
• To eliminate hazards for occupational safety, to evaluate all risks, to plan and carry out actions aimed at preventing accidents and safe working,
• To meet all applicable legal requirements related to energy efficiency, use and consumption, to continuously improve energy performance, to support renewable and sustainable energy projects,
• To inform all our employees, subcontractors and suppliers about the applications related to management systems,
• To keep our management systems policy open to public scrutiny and to be understood by all our employees,
• To achieve these goals and ensure their continuity with the participation and faithful efforts of our employees in all units.